• name
  • Polish
  • version
  • 1.565.179
  • file size
  • 28 MB
  • price
  • Free
  • publisher
  • InShot Inc.
  • mod features
  • Pro Unlocked
  • requires
  • Android 6.0

The photos capture the beautiful picture of yourself or everything going on around. Photos are truly a wonderful moment saver that will make you smile every time you look at them again. Therefore, Polish (Photo Editor Pro), a professional photo editing application was born with the mission to make already beautiful photos become shimmering, fancier than ever.

Introduction to Polish

Polish is a West Slavic language spoken primarily in Poland and by Polish communities around the world. It is the official language of Poland and one of the European Union’s official languages. Polish has a rich history and cultural significance, and it is known for its complex grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary.

History and Background

Polish belongs to the West Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. Its origins can be traced back to the early medieval period, evolving from the Proto-Slavic language spoken in the region of modern-day Poland. Throughout history, Polish has been influenced by various languages, including Latin, German, French, and Russian, due to Poland’s geopolitical position and historical interactions.

Alphabet and Phonetics

The Polish alphabet is based on the Latin script with several additional diacritical marks and letters. It consists of 32 letters, including 9 vowels and 23 consonants. Polish pronunciation is generally phonetic, meaning each letter corresponds to a specific sound. However, there are some challenging phonetic combinations and nasal sounds that can be difficult for non-native speakers to master.

Grammar and Syntax

Polish grammar is characterized by a complex system of declensions, conjugations, and grammatical gender. Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and verbs change their forms based on gender, number, case, and tense. There are seven cases in Polish (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, locative, and vocative), each serving specific grammatical functions. Verbs are conjugated according to person, number, tense, aspect, mood, and voice.


The Polish vocabulary has been influenced by various languages, particularly Latin, German, French, and English. Many Polish words have Slavic roots, but there are also loanwords from other languages. Polish vocabulary is rich and diverse, with specialized terminology for different fields such as science, technology, arts, and literature.

Regional Variations

There are regional variations in Polish dialects across different parts of Poland, influenced by historical and cultural factors. The standard Polish language, based on the dialect of the capital city Warsaw, is used in education, media, and official communications. However, regional dialects and accents are preserved in local communities.

Cultural Significance

Polish is integral to Polish culture and identity, reflecting the country’s history, literature, music, and traditions. Poland has produced many renowned writers, poets, and intellectuals whose works have contributed to the development and preservation of the Polish language. Polish literature, including works by Nobel laureates such as Wisława Szymborska and Czesław Miłosz, is celebrated internationally.

Learning Polish

Learning Polish can be challenging due to its complex grammar and phonetics, but it is a rewarding experience for language enthusiasts. Many universities and language institutes offer Polish language courses for foreigners. Language learning apps and online resources are also available to help learners improve their Polish language skills.

MOD APK version of Polish

MOD feature

Pro Unlocked

Download for Android Polish MOD APK

Polish is a Slavic language with a rich history, complex grammar, and diverse vocabulary. It plays a central role in Polish culture and identity, reflecting the country’s literary and intellectual heritage. Despite its challenges, Polish remains a fascinating language to study and explore for both native speakers and language learners.