* Fixed an issue that causes crashing on lower end devices.
* Fixed an issue that causes fertility day scene to have no voices.
* Fixed an issue regarding bessy milking in some circumstances.

APK MOD Love Esquire info:

  • Unlimited Gold

Gold doesn’t decrease when you spen.

Notes: Read Installation Guide if you haven’t done this before.

Love Esquire MOD APK is the clearest evidence for the saying “Heroes do not pass the beauty test”. No matter how long you play the role of a swordsman and how many times you join in turn-based battles, you will eventually have to fall before the beautiful beauties in the game.

love esquire cover

Love Esquire is a romantic-comedy visual novel/dating sim with a touch of old-school RPG combat. In this game, you’re not a famous knight, but a good-for-nothing squire who’s on a quest to find man’s greatest pleasure. Getting the girl won’t be easy though, since most of them are waaaay out of your league!

So raise those stats, battle monsters, and unleash your full potential!

♡ 5 Dateable Waifus – Love Esquire’s heroines are not just pretty faces! Each have their own unique ambitions, backstories, plots, and dirty little secrets for you to uncover.
♡ Turn-based Combat – You may not be a decent squire, but you have a number of unconventional techniques to keep your needy knight alive. Taunt, cheer, heal, and loot your way to victory!
♡ Raise Stats – Git gud and become the ideal man by increasing your strength, charisma and intelligence. These traits not only affect your combat abilities, but also your relationships.
♡ Forge Relationships – Amp up your squirely charm by giving gifts and whispering sweet nothings to your waifu. Get those romance points high enough and they’ll open up in more ways than one.
♡ Multiple Endings – What’s waiting for your squire at the end of the journey? Be careful with those choices!
♡ Fully Voiced – Hear your waifus fully express their undying love for you!

love esquire gameplay

♡ The game contains advertisements and optional items that can be purchased using real money.
♡ You need internet connection to play this game.

The key to the game is that you must always create a Balance: balance the time of the day for the tasks, balance the stats so that the knight is always in the best status, and balance the time for five girls. Be careful not to put too much effort into one of the 5 girls.

Divide your time, you have to think and do it yourself. Balancing the investment for each stat at each time is not too difficult, especially if you have experienced the classic RPGs. Only the part of conquering the girls is the strangest.