* 2.8.10: fixed HTML entity support broken in 2.8.9
* The app ignores some XML errors in fb2 and ePub books
* The app opens books from Chrome downloads and some file managers
* Scaled (bigger) images on hi-res screens
* Better pattern for “Hard paper” background
* Added “display:none” CSS property support
* Fixed fb2 images support
* Fixed crash on some mobi books
* Preferences: fixed error on changing the background colour to white
* Minor fixes

Upgrade to the Premium Edition of this popular ebook reader.

Features available in this premium version:
* Google/Yandex Translate integration
* Built-in support for PDF and comic book formats
* Thumbnail library view

Main ebook formats: ePub (including main features of ePub3), PDF, Kindle azw3 (mobipocket), fb2(.zip).
Other supported formats: comic books (CBZ/CBR), RTF, doc (MS Word), html, plain text.

To assist reading in a foreign language, use FBReader’s dictionary integration to look up words or phrases. You can choose from a wide selection of external dictionaries.

In FBReader Premium, you can translate sentences without leaving the application, using the integrated Google or Yandex translator.

FBReader supports synchronisation of your library and/or reading positions with the FBReader book network (https://books.fbreader.org/), a Google Drive™ based cloud service. Synchronisation is disabled by default; to enable and configure it, use the preferences dialogue.

FBReader is fast and highly customisable – it can use external TrueType/OpenType fonts and custom backgrounds, the screen brightness can be adjusted while reading (slide finger up/down along the left screen edge), and different day/night colour schemes can be selected.

This reader also includes a browser/downloader to access different network ebook catalogues and stores. Several popular English, French, Russian, Chinese, and Polish libraries are included. Custom OPDS catalogues are supported too.

Alternatively, you can download books manually and save them on your device in /sdcard/Books.

In addition, this reader is localised for 34 languages, and includes hyphenation patterns for 24 languages.