-add speaker gain controls for OnePlus 6T and Pixel 3/3XL
-add backlight dimmer for Pixel 3/3XL
-add backlight max for Redmi Note 5 Pro
-add simple GPU controls
-improve autoflashing AK2 zips
-bugfixes and optimizations

★★★ MOD Lite ★★★
Optimized graphics and cleaned resources for fast load < improved result (3.25 MB total apk size);
Encrypted all resources;
Languages: En, Ru.

No LP or Google Play Modded needed!

EX Kernel Manager

EX Kernel Manager (EXKM) offers you total management over your hardware with premium options and a fantastically optimized material style interface. EXKM is that the final tool for performance standardisation, increasing battery life, configuring gestures or tweaking color and sound.

*** Your device should be frozen to use this app

Universal! Works with all kernels and devices. absolutely tested and supported on Nexus five, Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus seven (2013), Nexus 9, HTC One S, HTC One m7, HTC One m8, HTC One m9, HTC 10, OnePlus 3, Asus ZenFone a pair of, Samsung Galaxy S6 and plenty of alternative devices

NEW! make a choice from Dark, Light, Black, Pink and Paper Material style themes!
NEW! select totally different footage in navigation drawer header by tapping!

Dashboard: your homepage at intervals the app, Dashboard summarizes your current settings and shows time period computer hardware and GPU frequencies, temperatures, memory usage, uptime, deep sleep, battery level and temperature, governors, and i/o settings.

Battery Monitor: the foremost correct thanks to live battery life. EXKM’s Battery Monitor is intended to point out battery statistics that you simply will use to boost battery life scientifically. EXKM Battery Monitor measures electric battery use per hour and offers separate statistics for partition (idle drain) and screen on (active drain). It mechanically measures only if the battery is discharging thus you ne’er need to keep in mind to reset the stats or produce markers.

CPU Settings: simply produce, share and cargo computer hardware governor profiles for max battery life. modify gamma hydroxybutyrate frequency, min frequency, computer hardware governor, CPU boost, hotplugging, thermals and voltage (if supported by kernel or hardware)

Graphics Settings: gamma hydroxybutyrate frequency, min frequency, GPU governor, Adreno nonworker (requires kernel support)

Advanced Color Control: RGB controls, saturation, value, distinction and hue, Save, load and share custom profiles. (requires kernel support, most custom kernels for Qualcomm devices implement this driver)

Wake Gestures: sweep2wake, doubletap2wake, sweep2sleep, exteroception feedback, camera gesture, wake timeout and a lot of (requires kernel support). Asus ZenFone a pair of gestures square measure absolutely supported.

Custom User Settings: This feature permits you to feature any kernel setting you would like. Kernel settings square measure situated within the /proc and /sys directories. merely navigate to the required path and you’ll quickly and simply add the setting to the app wherever it may be modified on the fly or applied at boot. and you’ll simply import/export your custom settings and share with alternative users.

Memory Settings: modify zRAM, KSM, lowmemorykiller, and virtual storage settings

Sound Control: modify speaker, electro-acoustic transducer and mic gain. Supports elementalx, fauxsound, fanco sound management, et al. (requires kernel support).

CPU Times: Show computer hardware frequency usage and deep sleep, and optionally type by most used frequencies.

Update or Install ElementalX: Get notified and quickly transfer and install the ElementalX Kernel on your Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus seven (2013), Nexus 9, HTC One m7, HTC One m8, HTC One m9, HTC ten and OnePlus three.

Kernel Backup: save and restore kernel backups